For Pete’s Sake

Mom’s greatest joy in life is getting her family together. When the children were young it was very simple. As they become adults it becomes very challenging.

Thanks to the organization FOR PETE’S SAKE we were able to get away with the family just the 6 of us, together for the last time.  September 11-16, 2015 a time we will treasure forever. Richie was feeling pretty terrible those days but he “rallied” for two of those days so we could do some pretty fun stuff. We went boating, we did archery, we shot guns, we played tether ball, we did high ropes, we fished and best of all we were together. We had our competitive spirit in tact those days which is always fun for us but was irritating to the commander in chief.  Jill was 12 for 12 at the shooting range beating Richie’s 11 out of 12. Jonathan was the king of tetherball.  Really fun memories.  Check out some pictures of those days….